Recent Question/Assignment

The aim of this assessment is twofold: 1) for you to deepen your understanding about reflection, and what it involves, 2) to deepen you understanding about what it means to engage in culturally competent practice. This will be based on the learnings contained in weeks 3 and 4.
In this assessment you are to reflect on your understanding and application of week 3 and especially week 4 content about culturally competent practice.
You will need to answer a number of questions.
But do not use numbers or write out the questions. Instead you may use a key word or two from each question as each of your headings and then write your paragraphs under each of these headings.
So here are the questions for you:
What topics and information resonated with you and why do you think they resonated with you?
What is your own cultural background and in what ways does this background influence your thoughts and actions?
What did you learn about yourself as a future practitioner in the community services field?
In what ways could you apply your learnings about cultural competence to both your professional and also your personal life in the future?
What gaps exist in your knowledge or practice, and what steps might you take to address these gaps?
Also, an introduction and conclusion and a reference list need to be included for this assessment.
You must use APA 7 referencing. Your reflective essay should include at least 7 scholarly journal articles you have read and any additional textbook references.
Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.