Recent Question/Assignment

PART 2A – Oral Presentation (15%)
NOTE! Group Power Point Slides must be submitted on the day of your presentation
The oral presentations will be conducted in class, during lectures and/or tutorials from week 6 to week 9; your tutors will prepare the timetable and will post this in Moodle; every group will need to be ready to deliver the presentation on the day you are scheduled for.
Please note: not turning up for the presentation will result in a zero mark for the group (or any individual student who is missing from the group) unless you have been granted special consideration. Please read the special consideration policy carefully because very few reasons are accepted; also read it well ahead of time. If you do miss the presentation due to illness for which you have been granted special consideration, you will still have to do the presentation at another time during term or be awarded zero. There will be no presentations or ‘re-sits’ for this assignment once the term is over.
Oral Presentation Preparation
• Once the group has selected the case study, you must share and allocate tasks relating to the case study to each member, and each member is to prepare a reasonable number (3-5) of power-point slides to show his/her segment of the assignment during the presentation in class
• Each member of the group must present for 5 minutes, for a total of 20 minutes per group*
• Please check the marking criteria below to see how you will be assessed during the presentation
• Regardless of who prepared which slides, the power-point presentation will be assessed as a whole, not by individual student contribution; this means it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the entire power-point presentation is coherent, neat, accurate, and follows all the marking guidelines
• All sources must be referenced using APA7 – any academic misconduct will result in penalty for the entire group
• All the students in the group will be given a mark and feedback in Moodle
• The oral presentation will be marked as a whole project except for the presentation style: each student in the group will be given a mark for their presentation style on merit
• ONLY the Lead student for Part A must submit the entire collection of power-point slides into Moodle. There must be no drafts submitted by other members of the group or left in Moodle.
• The Lead student must submit the final group power point slides by no later than the day of your presentation.
*Group size can vary depending on student numbers at the time of allocation. The 5 minute presentation remains the same as it is for each student in the group. If a group is smaller than 4, please check with your tutor regarding adjustments to the content of the presentation.
The group is to select one of the six case studies that feature an ethical dilemma for a community service worker in a professional context. The analysis of the case study will require you to:
• Outline the facts of the case
• Identify and discuss the relevant ethical issue/s relating to the case
• Identify, name and explain the ethical and legal concepts pertinent to the case (e.g. dual roles, professional boundaries, duty of care, mandatory reporting requirements, as applicable) (Note!
These are examples; you are to identify those that are pertinent to your case study, NOT every concept we have covered in the course!)
• Demonstrate a clear ethical decision-making process drawing on one model used in this unit – ensure you name the model, explain it, and apply it to the case study
• Demonstrate a clear understanding of the possible implications of the decisions the case worker can make to address the case study. Implications need to include the benefits and potential harms or drawbacks for the various stakeholders as applicable to each case study
Criteria for group oral presentation Weight
Identification of ethical issue/s
• Shows understanding of what constitutes an ethical issue in community/human services
• Clearly explains why the case presents ethical issues and/or tensions for the case worker
• Identifies the stakeholders to consider in the case study 20
Clarity of ethical and legal concepts as applicable
• Identifies, names correctly and explains ethical and legal concepts relevant to the case study
Decision-making Process
• Names and explains briefly a decision-making model covered in the unit resources
• Draws on the model to identify the possible options and/or considerations the worker needs to make to address the case study
• Identifies the benefits and potential drawbacks or harms to the stakeholders of the decisions that could be made by the worker 20
Structure and Presentation of Materials
• Power point presentation is coherent with clear title page, Introduction, discussion slides, conclusion and references using APA7
• Power point slides are informative and neat 20

Individual Presentation skills
• Addresses the audience and speaks clearly
• Uses/refers to the slides to inform the presentation
• Discusses the case with confidence demonstrating understanding & knowledge
• Keeps to allocated time of 5 mins per student 20
Total /100%