Recent Question/Assignment

The purpose of this task is for the student to demonstrate how to create a holistic plan of care that is person-centred, trauma-informed, and recovery-oriented in focus.
In this written assignment, you are required to prepare a holistic and collaborative care plan that addresses the care and recovery needs of the consumer that you identified in Assessment 2.

Your plan of care should:
• Describe the current context of care (e.g. healthcare setting; type of admission; legal status)
• Outline the consumers goals for recovery and future plans
• Outline the consumers strengths and resources for recovery (e.g. skills, supports)
• Identify priorities for safety, care and recovery for the consumer
• Identify strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified.

In your writing, you must provide evidence which shows that you used a collaborative approach that is consumer focused, and recovery orientated. You must provide evidence from current high-quality evidence based literature to support your approach, the strategies and the interventions that you outlined in the collaborative care plan.
Please format your submission as outlined in the Course Outline.
For this task you are encouraged to use the following subheadings to structure your assignment:
• Introduction
• Current Context of Care
• Consumer Goals for Recovery & Future Plans
• Consumer Strengths and Resources for Recovery
• Priorities for Safety, Care & Recovery
• Strategies & Interventions to Support Priorities for Care, Safety & Recovery
• Conclusion

You must not use tables, graphs, point form or bullet points to present your work.

You must support your written work with high-quality and current evidence based literature.
Case study is below
Birrani is 19 years old and identifies as male (he/him). He is the father of a one-year-old
boy and lives with his girlfriend in a small public housing unit. Birrani has recently
withdrawn from both his TAFE studies and job. He maintains a good relationship with
both his parents, although he rarely sees his dad as his dad lives in a remote Aboriginal
community in Central Australia.
He presented to his local Aboriginal Health Service (in a metropolitan area) with
symptoms of severe depression. Birrani is worried (this is why he has come here) as he
has a history of depressive symptoms between the ages of 12-16 and he had mood
swings such as extreme lows through to “highs” (including train surfing and wanting to
have sex “a lot”). It nearly got him in legal trouble and he’s worried the government will
“come and take his kid”.
On presentation and during the assessment (in a quiet room), he tells you that he has
insomnia and likes to binge drink most nights as this helps him fall asleep. He also
smokes cannabis daily and Birrani describes his motivation and energy levels as “scarily
low”; frequently thinks how easy it would be to just -disappear”. He sits slumped in his
chair while he is talking with you and avoids eye contact with you. His movements are
pretty slow and even when talking about his girlfriend and child, he doesn’t really react
at all, and his voice is monotone.
He tells you (with no emotional response) that his dream was to become a Hollywood
actor, but he now can’t get motivated to go to any auditions and worries about even
more rejection. Until recently, Birrani was working full time at a local café but as he
struggled to get to work on time (if at all), he was recently fired. This started after he
experienced some “Sorry Business”. The owner of the coffee shop said he’s “just like all
the Aboriginal people and never shows up”. He’s now decided not to look for any other
work. Birrani continues and tells you that he often does not get out of bed for days at a
His mum arrived, and, with permission from Birrani, you ask his mum about Birrani’s
current symptoms and if she would be comfortable to talk to you about anything else
that is worrying her. She tells you that at around 15 years old, Birrani asked for help for
his depressive symptoms and was prescribed an SSRI (Fluoxetine). He also attended 10
sessions of CBT with a psychologist. She states that Birrani thinks getting this type ofcare helped him “get through” high school but added Birrani thought that the “CBT was
for white fellas”.
She shares with you that 10 years ago, she was diagnosed with Bipolar
Disorder (Birrani is also aware of this diagnosis) and has attempted to take her life on
three occasions. She has encouraged Birrani to visit Aboriginal Community Controlled
Health services, because she found once she engaged with these services and
especially the culture care connect program, she “feels better”.
Marking Rubric
Assessment 3 rubric care plan
Criteria Ratings Points
Criterion 1 (10 marks)
Current context of care 10 to 8.4 pts
High Distinction
Range: 10.0-8.5 marks. Outstanding, comprehensive yet succinct description of the context of care. This includes specific and relevant details to the setting, type of admission, and relevant (if any) legal status.
8.4 to 7.4 pts
Range: 8.4 - 7.5 marks. Very good, comprehensive yet succinct description of the context of care. This includes specific and relevant details to the setting, type of admission, and relevant (if any) legal status.
7.4 to 6.4 pts
Range: 7.4-6.5 marks. Good description of the context of care. Some gaps or lack of detail in describing the setting, type of admission, and relevant (if any) legal status.
6.4 to 4.9 pts
Range: 6.4-5.0 marks. Satisfactory description of the context of care. Some gaps or lack of detail in describing the setting, type of admission, and relevant (if any) legal status.
4.9 to 0 pts
Range 4.9- 0.1 marks. Unsatisfactory description of the context of care. Significant gaps or lack of detail in describing the setting, type of admission, and relevant (if any) legal status.
0 pts
Did not attempt / 10 pts
Criterion 2 (15 marks)
Consumers goals for recovery and future plans 15 to 12.7 pts
High distinction
Range: 15.0-12.8 marks. Outstanding and comprehensive outline and discussion of the consumers goals for recovery and future plans.
12.7 to 11.2 pts
Range: 12.7- 11.3 marks. Very good and comprehensive outline and discussion of the consumers goals for recovery and future plans.
11.2 to 9.7 pts
Range: 11.2-9.8 marks. Good outline and discussion of the consumers goals for recovery and future plans.
9.7 to 7.4 pts
Range: 9.7-7.5 marks. Satisfactory outline and discussion of the consumers goals for recovery and future plans with some gaps and omission of required detail.
7.4 to 0 pts
Range: 7.4-0.1 marks. Unsatisfactory discussion of the consumers goals for recovery and future plans with significant gaps or omissions.
0 pts
Did not attempt / 15 pts
Criterion 3 (15 marks)
Consumers strengths for recovery and future plans 15 to 12.7 pts
High Distinction
Range: 15.0-12.8 marks. Outstanding and comprehensive discussion of the consumers strengths and resources for recovery. This discussion includes a high level of depth and detail.
12.7 to 11.2 pts
Range: 12.7-11.3 marks. Very good and comprehensive discussion of the consumers strengths and resources for recovery. This discussion includes a good level of depth and detail.
11.2 to 9.7 pts
Range: 11.2-9.8 marks. Good discussion of the consumers strengths and resources for recovery. This discussion includes a good level of and detail.
9.7 to 7.4 pts
Range: 9.7-7.5 marks. Satisfactory discussion of the consumers strengths and resources for recovery with some gaps or omissions of required detail.
7.4 to 0 pts
Range: 7.4-0.1 marks. Unsatisfactory discussion of the consumers strengths and resources for recovery with significant gaps or omissions.
0 pts
Did not attempt / 15 pts
Criterion 4 (25 marks)
Priorities for safety, care, and recovery 25 to 20 pts
High Distinction
Range: 25.0 - 21.0 marks. Outstanding overview of the priorities for safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. This discussion carefully balances key priorities from the perspective of the healthcare professional as well as the consumer
20 to 17 pts
Range: 20.0 - 18.0 marks. Very good overview of the priorities for safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. This discussion carefully balances key priorities from the perspective of the healthcare professional as well as the consumer
17 to 15 pts
Range: 17.0 - 16.0 marks. Good overview of the priorities for safety, care, and recovery for the consumer. This discussion incudes key priorities from the perspective of the healthcare professional as well as the consumer however these may not have a high level of detail or balance of perspectives
15 to 12.4 pts
Range: 15.0-12.5 marks. Satisfactory overview of the priorities for safety, care, and recovery for the consumer with some gaps or omissions. This discussion includes some key priorities from the perspective of the healthcare professional as well as the consumer however these may not have a high level of detail or balance of perspectives
12.4 to 0 pts
Range: 12.4- 0.1 marks. Unsatisfactory overview of the priorities for safety, care, and recovery for the consumer with significant gaps or omissions. This discussion does not include key priorities from the perspective of the healthcare professional as well as the consumer or there are significant gaps or omissions.
0 pts
Did not attempt / 25 pts
Criterion 5 (25 marks)
Strategies and interventions to support the consumer 25 to 20 pts
High Distinction
Range: 25.0 - 21.0 marks. Outstanding outline of the strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified in criterion 4. These are highly relevant and evidence-based in nature.
20 to 17 pts
Range: 20.0 - 18.0 marks. Very good outline of the strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified in criterion 4. These are relevant and evidence-based in nature
17 to 15 pts
Range: 17.0 - 16.0 marks. Good outline of the strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified in criterion 4. These are mostly relevant and evidence-based in nature.
15 to 12.4 pts
Range: 15.0-12.5 marks. Satisfactory outline of the strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified in criterion 4 with some gaps or omissions. These are mostly relevant and evidence-based in nature.
12.4 to 0 pts
Range: 12.4- 0.1 marks. Unsatisfactory outline of the strategies and interventions which could be utilised to address and support each of the priorities you have identified in criterion 4 with significant gaps or omissions. These are most not relevant or evidence-based in nature.
0 pts
Did not attempt / 25 pts
Criterion 6 (5 marks)
Expression and Academic Writing 5 to 4.2 pts
High Distinction
Range: 5.0 - 4.3 marks. Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas and reasoning are clearly expressed. Structure of paper is excellent including introduction and conclusion. Exemplary spelling, grammar, and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements. Paper adheres to word count (+ or – 10%)
4.2 to 3.7 pts
range: 4.2- 3.8 marks. Evidence of superior academic writing skills. Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is clear. Structure of paper is very good including introduction and conclusion. Superior spelling, grammar and syntax 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirements. Paper adheres to word count (+ or – 10%)
3.7 to 3.2 pts
Range: 3.7 - 3.3 marks. Evidence of sound academic writing. Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is satisfactory. Structure of paper is good including introduction and conclusion with some areas for improvement. Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and grammar. Meets all style requirements. Paper does not adhere to word count (+ or – 10%)
3.2 to 2.4 pts
Range: 3.2- 2.5 marks. Authentic writing that attempts to show independent thought. May struggle with expression of ideas and reasoning. Structure of paper requires some improvement. May not include a clear introduction or conclusion. Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headings. Paper does not adhere to word count (+ or – 10%)
2.4 to 0 pts
Range: 2.4 - 0.1 marks. Lacks authenticity. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Sentences lack structure and are consistently too short or too long. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and style. Not structured as per requirements in Course Outline. Introduction and/or conclusion are absent. Paper does not adhere to word count (+ or – 10%)
0 pts
Did not attempt / 5 pts
Criterion 7 (5 marks)
Literature sources and referencing 5 to 4.2 pts
High Distinction
Range: 5.0 - 4.3 marks. Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. Complies with all the referencing style requirements including use of APA 7 referencing style. There are no errors in referencing throughout
4.2 to 3.7 pts
Range: 4.2- 3.8 marks. Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errors.
3.7 to 3.2 pts
Range: 3.7 - 3.3 marks. Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary and from a narrow range of journals and databases. Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7).
3.2 to 2.4 pts
Range: 3.2- 2.5 marks. Sources are mostly relevant however there are too few to demonstrate wide reading. Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10).
2.4 to 0 pts
Range: 2.4 - 0.1 marks. Sources are inappropriate and/or absent. In-text referencing and/or reference list contains major errors ( 10).
0 pts
Did not attempt / 5 pts