Recent Question/Assignment

Structural Analysis Etask 2
The aim of this assessment task is to
1. revise your knowledge of statically determinate structures.
2. evaluate the appropriate use of the Principles of Work and Virtual Work for determinate structural analysis.
• Students need complete the eTask and upload the report to Canvas before the due time. Please submit the eTask1 report (the pdf file) that includes detailed working out.
• eTask1 is due at 11:59pm 10th Sep 2024. Students are expected to plan and manage their time in order to submit this task by the due date. Late submissions and submissions other than through Canvas will not be accepted.
• If you submit multiple times, only the last submission will be marked. Please make sure that you have submitted the correct file.
Q1 (6 marks). Revision question. Shear force and bending moment diagram
Figure 1. structure for Q1
1) Find all the support reactions (2 marks)
2) Draw the shear and bending moment diagrams (4 marks)
Q2 (7 marks). The structure shown in the figure below is loaded by a uniformly distributed load on member AB and temperature effect on member BCD, find
1) Vertical reaction in point A (1 mark)
2) Maximum bending moment in member AB (1 mark)
3) If the structure is loaded by temperature effect only, find the strain component in member BCD and curvature in member BCD (2 mark)
4) If the structure is loaded by both the distributed load and temperature effect, find the vertical displacement at Point E. (3 mark)
Use the structural dimensions and section properties listed below
Dimensions and section properties
AB 5.2 unit: m
BC 4 unit: m
CD 2.9 unit: m
DE 2.2 unit: m
t 0.2 unit: m
aT 0.00001 unit: 1/°C
EA 225000 unit: kN
EI 7375 unit: kNm2
Applied actions
w 12.5 unit: kN/m
?T2 12.5 unit: °C
?T1 -9 unit: °C
Figure 2. structure for Q2
Q3 (7 marks). A) The structure shown in the figure below is loaded by
Case 1) a uniformly distributed load on member BC, (2 mark)
Case 2) initial curvature on member CD only, (2 mark)
Case 3) support settlement at D only (2 mark)
Determine the horizontal displacement at Point B for each case.
B) for the same structure, consider a load case 4 where all actions act simultaneously
Case 4) all actions combined (Case 1+2+3)
Determine the horizontal displacement at Point B, and find the support reactions and member force in AB. (1 mark)
Dimensions and section properties
a 7.1 unit: m
b 3.4 unit: m
c 5.1 unit: m
EI 300000 unit: kNm2
EA infinite
Applied actions
w 10 unit: kN/m
F0 0.0004 unit: rad/s
dD 0.015 unit: m
Figure 3. structure for Q3