Recent Question/Assignment

Course Details ICT60220 - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Unit Code and Name ICTTEN622 - Produce ICT network architecture design
Student Name
Student ID Date of submission 00/00/0000
I declare that-
? all the assessment parts completed for this unit are my own work and I have not plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
? to the best of my belief, no part of this assessment has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other sources except where acknowledgement is made in the text.
? no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned and where acknowledgement is made in the text.
? no part of this assessment has previously been submitted as an assessable item, except authorised by the trainer and where acknowledgement is made in the text.
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks where applicable.
? I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.
? I am aware of the reassessment options and right to appeals.
? I have used the correct assessment template provided by the Albright Institute of Business and Language (AIBL), retained a copy of this assessment, and will submit it in the AIBL Learning Management Systems (LMS) portal for grading.
Completion Stage: Assessment-1 is complete ?
Assessment-2 is complete ?
Assessor Name (must be included):
Student Signature:
Date: 00/00/0000
Course Details ICT60220 - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Unit Details ICTTEN622 - Produce ICT network architecture design
General Instructions to Students
This assessment booklet includes both the assessment instruments and the instructions for gathering and interpreting evidence in an assessment process.
The assessment of this unit is comprised of two parts: knowledge assessment task (Assessment 1) and practical performance assessment task (Assessment 2). The student (you) must achieve a satisfactory result for all components of the unit tasks to be deemed overall Competent (C) in the unit.
Please read the information below about each task included in this assessment.
Task Description
Assessment 1
(Knowledge Evidence) Knowledge assessment task (Written task)
In the knowledge assessment task part, you must demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements through completing and submitting the short answer questions. You will correctly answer all questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit.
Assessment 2
(Performance Evidence) Practical performance assessment task
The practical performance assessment task of this unit is subdivided into the following list activities.
Activity 1: Preparation and design
Activity 2: Network design finalisation
You must work through a range of activities and complete a Project Portfolio. Further instructions and guidelines are provided in the corresponding part of assessment 2.
1) To be assessed Competent (C) in this unit, you must provide evidence which demonstrates that you can perform to the required standard of competency.
2) To avoid plagiarism, you must acknowledge and refer to the sources and give credit appropriately.
3) You must use the APA 6th Referencing style. You must contact your assessor for guidance on how to reference. You could also complete a free tutorial on referencing at www.The Basics of APA Style®
4) The following are some types of references that must be acknowledged:
- Direct quotations – using another person’s exact words, placing words in quotation marks (for shorter quotes) or indent paragraphs (for longer quotes).
- Paraphrases of another person’s words or ideas – using someone else’s ideas in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must cite the source of the ideas.
- Summarise another person’s ideas – a short summary of the original text, including only the main points of the original author’s ideas or argument. To avoid plagiarism, you must cite the source whenever you summarise another person’s work.
- Tables, figures, graphs, diagrams, or images obtained from any source – you must acknowledge the original source of all tables, figures, graphs, diagrams or images.
- Information obtained from lectures and personal communication –you must acknowledge the source of the information.
5) Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills, attitudes and knowledge that enable you to complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations.
6) If you have any difficulties in understanding any of these forms or instructions, please speak to your trainer/ assessor.
7) You must record your handwritten/ typed responses in the assessment pack. You can attach additional pages if required.
8) You must read, understand, complete, and sign the Assessment Cover sheet.
9) Your assessor will:
O grade each assessment task as “satisfactory (S)” or “not yet satisfactory (NYS)” by providing you with clear feedback.
O upload the assessor and observation checklist for the satisfactory (S) result and record the unit outcome as Competent (C) in the LMS unit report log.
O provide you with the resubmission options up to two attempts for the not yet satisfactory or Not yet competent (NYS/NYC) result.
How to submit your assessments When you have completed each assessment, you will need to submit it to your assessor for grading through the AIBL LMS portal. Instructions about submission can be found in each unit and there is an “assessment submission guide” link that will guide you all the way to complete the submission process.
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
At the beginning of this assessment booklet, you will find the Assessment Task Coversheet, which requires you to complete different fields of student information, declaration, and submission. Please make sure you provide all the necessary information as required by the assessment coversheet.
Assessment outcomes Once all assessment tasks have been completed, you will be given the result within 14 days. Once you satisfactorily complete the required assessments for a unit of competency, you will receive an outcome of Competent (C); otherwise, the outcome would be Not yet Competent (NYC).
Reasonable adjustments According to AIBL’s policy, assessment processes and techniques should consider the language, literacy, and numeracy capacity of the student in relation to the competency being assessed.
If you are unable to complete the assessment in this format, you must inform your assessor and they may arrange for you to take the assessment in an alternative format.
Assessment re-submission
If you have been deemed NYC, your trainer and assessor will provide you with sufficient feedback through LMS portal by explaining the reason and outlining of what needs to be included/completed to demonstrate competency.
Re-assessment for assessments only occurs if the student has previously submitted the assessment or has missed the relevant session(s) and has been afforded special consideration that is approved by the Academic department.
If the outcome of the first submission of an assessment is NYC, you would be allowed the resubmission option up to two attempts (as mentioned earlier). For each submission, a suitable time will be arranged for the reassessment to be graded within 14 days from the date of submission. If the unit out outcome is NYC after these assessment attempts, it is recommended to re-enroll in the unit.
Assessment appeals You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by filing an appeal form. Ask for an appeal from a student support officer. For more information, you are recommended to browse the AIBL website,” Forms and Policies” section. The link is shared here-
Plagiarism Policy
As mentioned earlier, your contribution to the assessment must be your own, except were acknowledged through quotations and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence and AIBL may impose severe penalties on students who plagiarise. Your assessor will provide you with further information on AIBL plagiarism policy and procedure.
You must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
• required legislation, codes, company work practices, regulations and standards, workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements for scoped work
• principles of the following technologies:
• access networks
• core networks
• information communications technologies (ICT) network topologies
• mobile cellular networks
• network protocols and operating systems
• optical networks and principles
• radio frequency (RF) technologies and principles
• radio frequency identification (RFID) hardware and software
• ICT industry business processes, including software solutions and supplier costing
• compatibility issues and resolution procedures
• configuration of internet protocol (IP) networks
• desktop applications and operating systems
• security protocols, standards and data encryption
• network design documentation.
1. Prepare to produce ICT network architecture design 1.1 Obtain work details, specifications and scope from relevant personnel and arrange for site access in compliance with required security arrangements, legislation, codes, regulations and standards
1.2 Consult with key stakeholders to identify their requirements of the scoped network architecture design
1.3 Assess business problems, opportunities and objectives, and confirm details with relevant personnel
2. Produce preliminary ICT network architecture design 2.1 Determine hardware, software and network requirements according to manufacturer specifications
2.2 Select required software solutions
2.3 Develop preliminary physical network diagrams as a preface to architecture blueprint
2.4 Produce a document on the possible impact of the network design on the business requirements
3. Evaluate preliminary design and anticipated performance 3.1 Predict forecast traffic demands, and impact on network design, from current and future demand requirements
3.2 Benchmark design using expected performance parameters
3.3 Review likely performance profile of the design
3.4 Determine costs involved with a range of supplier products
3.5 Produce an evaluation report on predicted performance and costs of the network architecture design, addressing business specifications and recommendations
4. Finalise network architecture design and obtain approval 4.1 Review benchmarks, requirements and final design proposed
4.2 Determine support and training requirements needed
4.3 Obtain latest technical specifications and pricing by contacting possible vendors
4.4 Document network design and present documentation to required person for approval
4.5 Obtain sign off on final business solution
You must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
• produce at least two information communications technology (ICT) network architecture designs.
In the course of the above, you must:
• adapt technologies to specified technical solutions
• use site design software and hardware
• evaluate client specifications against accepted industry practices
• produce technical designs from business specifications
• analyse feedback from client and adjust proposal
• apply design concepts to business solutions
• produce technical reports
• make recommendations and offer optimum design solutions.
Numeracy ? Interprets numerical information according to business requirements and specifications to evaluate possible technical design scenarios within budgetary constraints
Oral communication
? Participates in verbal exchanges using clear language and active listening, observational and questioning techniques to confirm, clarify or revise understanding
? Organises, evaluates and interprets technical documentation and required enterprise policy and documentation
Writing ? Prepares workplace documentation, including diagrammatic material, incorporating technical language to communicate complex information clearly and effectively
Planning and organising ? Uses a combination of formal, logical planning processes to identify required information, test strategies and resources
? Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of principles, concepts, language and practices associated with the digital world and uses this to propose solutions
? Uses systematic, analytical processes in complex, non-routine situations, setting goals, gathering required information, and identifying and evaluating options against agreed criteria
? Uses formal, analytical and lateral thinking techniques for diagnosing problems and generating and evaluating possible solutions
Technology ? Selects and uses required conventions and protocols when communicating with stakeholders in a range of work contexts
Assessment summary
You are required to answer all the written questions of this assessment.
Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment • Access to the learning materials (e.g., learner guide, self-study guide, presentation slide) and other recommended websites.
• Access to a computer, printer, Internet, and email software (if required).
When and where should the assessment be completed • This assessment may be completed in your own time as homework, self-study, or you may be given time to do this in class (where applicable).
• Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.
What needs to be submitted Your answers to each question in this assessment along with references (if applicable).
Instructions • This is an open book test – you can use your textbook/learning materials as reference.
• You must answer all questions in this assessment correctly.
• You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word and converting it into a pdf.
• Please double-check whether you have completed the coversheet information.
• You are required to submit your assessment in the submission portal of AIBL LMS. No submissions will be accepted via emails.
Question 1: Give an example for each of the items in the table that can apply to work associated with producing ICT network architecture designs. Explain how the example you provide is relevant to producing ICT network architecture designs.
Code of practice
Workplace procedure
WHS practice
Yes ?
No ?
Question 2: Outline each of the technologies included in the table and the principles behind these technologies.
Access networks
Core networks
Network topologies
Mobile cellular networks
Network protocols and operating systems
Optical networks and principles
Radio frequency (RF) technologies and principles
Radio frequency identification (RFID) hardware and software
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 3: Explain the importance of compatibility in terms of software solutions for a business.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 4: List two ways that compatibility issues can be resolved.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 5: Outline a process that could be used to find out about supplier costs for products associated with network architecture design
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 6: Explain why it is important to configure an IP address.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 7: What is a desktop application? List an example of a desktop application.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 8: What is an operating system? List an example of a desktop application.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 9: Outline two types of security protocols
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Question 10: Outline two types of data encryption techniques.
Satisfactory response
Yes ?
No ?
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a Project Portfolio.
You will need access to:
• a suitable place to complete activities that replicates an ICT environment including a network, and network hardware and software, as well as a computer and internet access
• client requirements, specifications and guidelines
• your learning resources and other information for reference
• Project Portfolio template.
Ensure that you:
• review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the IT Works Student User Guide
• comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
• adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
• answer all questions completely and correctly
• submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
• submit a completed cover sheet with your work
• avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
• where this task should be completed
• how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

Complete the following activities:
1. Carefully read the following:
This assessment task requires you to produce two network architecture designs. You can complete this project based on the networks, equipment and information provided by your assessor or for a business that you are working for.
If you choose to complete the project based on a business of your choice, it is important that you can access client requirements, specifications and guidelines, as well as a network and hardware and software. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on an organisation of your choice.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio.
2. Preparation.
Prior to commencing the task, you are to meet with the client to find out about their requirements in relation to the ICT network architecture designs.
If you are completing this in your RTO, the client will be your assessor and you will meet with them.
If you are completing this based on your own organisation, the client may be an internal client or an external client who you will need to meet with to find out requirements. You will need to provide a video or audio recording of this meeting so that your assessor can confirm your oral communication skills. Remember that as you need to design two ICT network architecture design so it’s possible that you may need to meet with two different clients.
At the meeting, you will need to find out about:
• the two networks for which the designs are required and current issues, problems, and opportunities
• scope of the work to be conducted, including objectives
• specifications for the network
• network traffic demands
• budget available
• other details including site access arrangements and timelines.
During the meeting, your assessor will be looking to see that you can demonstrate oral communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely using relevant language.
• Using observational and questioning techniques to confirm and clarify and revise understanding as required information
• Using active listening techniques
You should ensure that all arrangements for access are confirmed at the meeting by finding out the information you need to.
Following the meeting, work on Section 1 of your Portfolio to include the information that you have been provided at the meeting.
3. Produce ICT network architecture designs.
You are now to produce your preliminary ICT network architecture designs. You are to:
• Determine the requirements for the network, including hardware and software needed and to cater for predicted network traffic.
• Select the most appropriate solutions.
• Develop physical network diagrams.
• Report on the impact of the designs in terms of:
o the business’ requirements
o how the design will cater for current and future traffic demand
o expected performance parameters
o estimated costs of network hardware and software proposed.
Complete Section 1 of your Portfolio and submit it to your assessor for feedback. Your assessor will provide you with feedback which you must review and then incorporate into your design.
4. Finalise design.
You are to finalise your ICT network architecture designs which will include:
• Your review of how the designs meet the client’s requirements.
• A report on the support and training that the client will need.
• Technical specifications and final pricing for the hardware and software required for the networks.
• Final network designs.
Complete Section 2 of your Portfolio and submit it to your assessor for approval. Your assessor will review your final designs and provide a final sign off (this will be in the form of marking your assessment as completed satisfactorily).
5. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.
Submit to your assessor for marking.
Activity 1: Preparation and design
Activity 2: Network design finalisation

Activity 1: Preparation and design
ICT Network Architecture Design 1
Complete this section for ICT network architecture design 1. If you are completing this in your RTO, information about the network and work details will be as per the information discussed at the meeting with your assessor. If you are completing this for your own business, this will be as per the networks you are accessing.
Work details
Outline the details of the work as relevant to the networks to be designed. As a minimum this must include:
scope of the work to completed including overall objectives
the business’ specifications
timelines within which the work must be completed
budget allocated
procedures to be followed, including security arrangements
issues/problems/opportunities that the client has flagged
current and future traffic demands.
Legislation, codes, regulations and standards
Provide an example of each that you must adhere to whilst completing your work managing network traffic. Explain how each example you provide applies to your work.
Site access
Draft an email that could be sent to a client to organise site access.
Proposed ICT network architecture design
Document your proposed network design using a network diagram tool.
Make sure you also document the hardware and software that will be needed.
Attach the diagram of your design diagram to your Portfolio.
Network architecture design report
Provide a report on the following:
Impact of the network design on the business requirements
Forecasted traffic and how the network design will be able to cater for this
Performance parameters which will be used to assess the network and the likely performance based on the design. Performance parameters must reflect standard industry benchmarks.
Costs of hardware and software proposed
Overall recommendations for preferred solutions including hardware and software.
Network diagram – Design 1 ?

ICT Network Architecture Design 2
Complete this section for ICT network architecture design 2. If you are completing this in your RTO, information about the network and work details will be as per the information discussed at the meeting with your assessor. If you are completing this for your own business, this will be as per the networks you are accessing.
Work details
Outline the details of the work as relevant to the networks to be designed. As a minimum this must include:
scope of the work to completed including overall objectives
the business’ specifications
timelines within which the work must be completed
budget allocated
procedures to be followed, including security arrangements
issues/problems/opportunities that the client has flagged
current and future traffic demands.
Legislation, codes, regulations and standards
Provide an example of each that you must adhere to whilst completing your work managing network traffic. Explain how each example you provide applies to your work.
Site access
Draft an email that could be sent to a client to organise site access.
Proposed ICT network architecture design
Document your proposed network design using a network diagram tool.
Make sure you also document the hardware and software that will be needed.
Attach the diagram of your design diagram to your Portfolio.
Network architecture design report
Provide a report on the following:
Impact of the network design on the business requirements
Forecasted traffic and how the network design will be able to cater for this
Performance parameters which will be used to assess the network and the likely performance based on the design. Performance parameters must reflect standard industry benchmarks.
Costs of hardware and software proposed
Overall recommendations for preferred solutions including hardware and software.
Final design 2 ?
Screenshots for supplier information ?

Activity 2: Network design finalisation
ICT Network Architecture Design 1
Final design feedback
Outline the final feedback you received from your assessor and how you will incorporate this into your final design.
Provide your final design and attach it to your Portfolio.
Training and support
Outline the training and support requirements that will be needed to implement the new design.
Hardware and software suppliers
Based on the hardware and software solutions you identified in Section 1 of your Portfolio, contact two possible suppliers. Contact can be completed through a review of the supplier’s website and identifying the specifications and costs for the equipment that will be required as part of the network you have designed.
Provide screenshots of the information you research.
Final design
Include a request for approval for your design here.
Final design 1 ?
Screenshots for supplier information ?
ICT Network Architecture Design 2
Final design feedback
Outline the final feedback you received from your assessor and how you will incorporate this into your final design.
Provide your final design and attach it to your Portfolio.
Training and support
Outline the training and support requirements that will be needed to implement the new design.
Hardware and software suppliers
Based on the hardware and software solutions you identified in Section 1 of your Portfolio, contact two possible suppliers. Contact can be completed through a review of the supplier’s website and identifying the specifications and costs for the equipment that will be required as part of the network you have designed.
Provide screenshots of the information you research.
Final design
Include a request for approval for your design here.
Final design 2 ?
Screenshots for supplier information ?


Assessment 1
I have properly answered all the questions including subsections (if any) of assessment-1 as per the assessment requirements (e.g., followed the word limits). ?
Assessment 2
Activity-1 I have responded to all the Sections and their corresponding subsections by including the necessary information (e.g., screenshots, presentation, scope documentation, authorization email, change request, policy, and procedure, and similar) required by the assessment. ?
Assessment 3
Activity-1 ?
Student Name:
Student Signature: Date:
S: Satisfactory
NS: Not Satisfactory
DNS: Did not submit
Assessment 1 Written Question answers ? C ? NYC ? DNS
Assessment 2 Workplace Project
? C ? NYC ? DNS
Assessment 3 ? C ? NYC ? DNS
Final Unit Outcome ? Competent (C)
? Not Yet Competent (NYC)
Comments (if any)
Assessor declaration I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback in the assessor and observation checklist. I have also explained about the re-assessment options and appeals rights available to the student.
Sufficient feedback provided to the student ? YES ? NO
Attached/uploaded assessor checklist ? YES ? NO
Attached/uploaded observation checklist ? YES ? NO
Published result and updated the unit report log ? YES ? NO
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature Date: