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12/3/22, 2:18 AM
Section 17.4 - OMIS 449: Business Application Development
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17.4 LAB-04
^^^_ This lab will be available until December 4th, 11:59 PM CST
This program extends the earlier -Online shopping cart- program. (Consider first saving your earlier program).
(1) Extend the ItemToPurchase class to contain a new attribute. (2 pts)
• item_description (string) - Set to -none- in default constructor
Implement the following method for the ItemToPurchase class.
• print_item_description() - Prints item_description attribute for an ItemToPurchase object. Has an ItemToPurchase parameter.
Ex. of print_item_description() output:
Bottled Water: Deer Park, 12 oz.
(2) Build the ShoppingCart class with the following data attributes and related methods. Note: Some can be method stubs (empty methods) initially, to be completed in later steps.
• Parameterized constructor which takes the customer name and date as parameters (2 pts)
• Attributes
o customer_name (string) - Initialized in default constructor to -none-
c current_date (string) - Initialized in default constructor to -January 1, 2016-
o cart_items (list)
• Methods
o add_item()
¦ Adds an item to cart_items list. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything.
o remove_item()
¦ Removes item from cart_items list. Has a string (an items name) parameter. Does not return anything.
¦ If item name cannot be found, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing removed.
o modify_item()
¦ Modifies an items quantity. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything.
¦ If item can be found (by name) in cart, modify item in cart.
¦ If item cannot be found (by name) in cart, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing modified.
g get_num_items_in_cart() (2 pts)
¦ Returns quantity of all items in cart. Has no parameters.
o get_cost_of_cart() (2 pts)
¦ Determines and returns the total cost of items in cart. Has no parameters.
o print_total()
¦ Outputs total of objects in cart.
¦ If cart is empty, output this message: SHOPPING CART IS EMPTY
p print_descriptions()
¦ Outputs each items description.
Ex. of print_total() output:
John Does Shopping Cart - February 1, 2016 Number of Items: 8
Nike Romaleos 2 @ $189 = $378
Chocolate Chips 5 @ $3 = $15
12/3/22, 2:18 AM
Section 17.4 - OMIS 449: Business Application Development
Powerbeats 2 Headphones 1 @ $128 = $128
Total: $521
Ex. of print_descriptions() output:
John Does Shopping Cart - February 1, 2016
Item Descriptions
Nike Romaleos: Volt color, Weightlifting shoes Chocolate Chips: Semi-sweet
Powerbeats 2 Headphones: Bluetooth headphones
(3) In main section of your code, prompt the user for a customers name and todays date. Output the name and date. Create an object of type ShoppingCart. (1 pt)
Enter customers name:
John Doe
Enter todays date:
February 1, 2016
Customer name: John Doe
Todays date: February 1, 2016
(4) In the main section of your code, implement the print_menu() function. print_menu() has a ShoppingCart parameter, and outputs a menu of options to manipulate the shopping cart. Each option is represented by a single character. Build and output the menu within the function.
If the an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. Hint: Implement Quit before implementing other options. Call print_menu() in the main() function. Continue to execute the menu until the user enters q to Quit. (3 pts)
a - Add item to cart
r - Remove item from cart
c - Change item quantity
i - Output items descriptions o - Output shopping cart
q - Quit
Choose an option:
(5) Implement Output shopping cart menu option. (3 pts)
John Does Shopping Cart - February 1, 2016
Number of Items: 8
Nike Romaleos 2 @ $189 = $378
Chocolate Chips 5 @ $3 = $15 Powerbeats 2 Headphones 1 @ $128 = $128
Total: $521
(6) Implement Output items description menu option. (2 pts)
12/3/22, 2:18 AM Section 17.4 - OMIS 449: Business Application Development
John Does Shopping Cart - February 1, 2016
Item Descriptions
Nike Romaleos: Volt color, Weightlifting shoes Chocolate Chips: Semi-sweet
Powerbeats 2 Headphones: Bluetooth headphones
(7) Implement Add item to cart menu option. (3 pts)
Enter the item name:
Nike Romaleos
Enter the item description:
Volt color, Weightlifting shoes
Enter the item price: 189
Enter the item quantity:
(8) Implement remove item menu option. (4 pts)
Enter name of item to remove:
Chocolate Chips
(9) Implement Change item quantity menu option. Hint: Make new ItemToPurchase object before using ModifyItem() method. (5 pts)
Enter the item name:
Nike Romaleos
Enter the new quantity: 3
Activity 17.4.1: LAB-04 0 / 29 Q Load default template...
1 # Type code here
2 class ItemToPurchase:
4 def ______init__(self, item_name = -none-, item_price = 0, item_quantity = 0, item_des
5 self.item_name= item_name
6 self.item_price= item_price
7 self.item_quantity= item_quantity
8 self.item_description = item_description
10 I
12/3/22, 2:18 AM
Develop mode Submit mode
Section 17.4 - OMIS 449: Business Application Development
Run your program as often as youd like, before submitting for grading. Below, type any needed input values in the first box, then click Run program and observe the programs output in the second box.
Predefine program input (optional)
If youd like to predefine your inputs, provide them here.
Run my program
Stop Clear terminal

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