Recent Question/Assignment

Assessments Guide
Key Information
Programme : Bachelor of Business Administration
Module Title : Principles of Finance
Module Code : FIN 1013 (WM)
Module Leader : Nur Izyan Jonaidi
Email of the Module Leader :
Semester/ Year : Semester 3 / Year 1
Credit Value 3
: August 2022
Assignment (Report)
: 30%
Assignment (Presentation)
: 10 %
Mid Term Exam
: 10%
Final Examination : 50 %
Assignment (Report)
This assignment will be assessed based on report submission from the students based on group work and accounted for 30% of overall assessment for this course. The students need to submit full report on the due date stated at the end of report details.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the assignment, the students are able to define the key financial figures in a business operations report and discuss methods of achieving financial objectives.
Specific Objectives of the Assignment:
To encourage student to has the following skills of:
i. Utilizing the correct financial formula.
ii. Analyze results from formula calculation.
iii. Explaining to what extend the analysis guide company to maximize profit.
Assignment Detail:
The student needs to conduct financial ratio analysis on a public listed company (retrieved from Bursa
Malaysia). Each group requires to download the Annual Report from the company’s website and focus on relevant financial data to conduct ratio analysis. Each group need to compare 2020 and 2021 for the company chosen. The workload is based on ratio trend analysis of two years period for a chosen company.
The following are the details of assignment require for the student to prepare in the report:
1. Introduction
Introduce this financial statement analysis
project by stating: c) Liquidity
• Purpose of analysis • The key purpose of liquidity
• Background of the company. • Define the following ratio:
1) Current ratio
2. Main Content ? 2)Calculate each of the ratio. Quick acid ratio
a) Profitability ? Produce graph based on the calculation
? Explain the pattern, analysis, reasons for
• The key purpose of profitability such comparison and recommendations • Define the following ratio: for improvement.
1) Net profit margin ? State which year is better and the
2) Return on Asset reasons why.
3) Return on Equity
? Calculate each of the ratio. d) Market Value
? Produce graph based on the calculation • The key purpose of market value
? Explain the pattern, analysis, reasons for
such comparison and recommendations • Define the following ratio:
1) Price Earnings Ratio for improvement.
? State which year is better and the ? Calculate each of the ratio.
reasons why. ? Produce a graph based on the calculation ? Explain the pattern, analysis, reasons for
such comparison and recommendations b) Leverage (Solvency)
for improvement.
• The key purpose of leverage ? State which year is better and the • Define the following ratio: reasons why.
1) Debt ratio
2)Calculate each of the ratio. Equity ratio 3. Conclusion
? Produce graph based on the calculation • Summarize the overall achievements of ? Explain the pattern, analysis, reasons for company based on ratio analysis.
such comparison and recommendations for improvement.
? State which year is better and the reasons why.
The assignment is to be handed in latest 11th DECEMBER 2022 BEFORE 11.59 PM.
Assignment (Presentation)
The presentation is to be conducted on 11TH DECEMBER 2022
This assignment is assessed based on presentation from the report prepared and accounted for 10% of overall assessment for this course.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the assignment, the student is able to define the key financial figures in a business operations report and discuss methods of achieving financial objectives.
Specific Objectives of the Assignment:
To encourage student to has the following skills:
i. Communicate complex information in simple and interesting ways to keep the audience engaged
ii. Real-industry skills by developing self-confidence, effective thoughts and feelings
Assignment Detail:
The student’s presentation will be evaluated based on the report produced. The presentation will be conducted in 20 minutes with additional of 10 minutes for Q&A session. This Q&A session will be assessed based on the ability of the student to answer the questions from the lecturer. Please submit the copy of slide presentation together with the report submission.
Assignment Guidelines
1. The general format :
• Use Microsoft Word to write your documentation and convert to PDF for submission.
• Font Face : Times New Roman
• Font Size : 12 point
• 1.5 spacing
• Diagrams and figures should be labelled.
• Check spelling and grammar
• Use clear, short and precise language
• Number the pages
• Insert table of contents
• Referencing and citations should be in Harvard format.
2. Online Submission as accordance to the due stated above and link set at LMS.
3. All submission must be made via LMS. Submission via email will not be accepted as proof of submission.
4. Acceptable Benchmark: not more than 30%. If your Turnitin similarity report is higher than 30%, please rewrite and resubmit until you reach 30%.
Please allow at least 24 hours for Turnitin to generate the Similarity Report. Thus, please submit earlier than the actual date. The Turnitin facility is embedded within the e-University system.
5. Extension: No extension permitted. Late submission will result in reduction in marks (1 day 10%, 2-4 days 15%, 5 days 30%. Submission on the 6th day onwards will result in 0 mark.
6. Plagiarism: At all time, candidates are governed by the appropriate Policies on Academic Dishonesty.
Additional Instructions:
Students are required to submit the assignment in time. Any late submission will not be accepted. A mark of ZERO will be awarded for late or no submission. Students are advised to make another copy for own reference.
Students can inquire the assignment feedback and grades. However, official grades will be published on the notice board.
Examination scripts are retained by MAHSA University and are not returned to students.
However, students are entitled in obtaining feedback on student’s performance in the examination. Student may request an appeal with the Programme Leader to re-mark student’s examination script. As a Standard Operating Procedure, a Re-Mark charge is RM50.00 for a paper payable upon submission of the Re-Mark Form.
It is compulsory for student to PASS all the components of the examination. Students are required to achieve a minimum of 50% of the accumulated marks to pass. However, if student fail one of the component of the module, student will be awarded with CONDITIONAL PASS where student must RE-SIT the exam. Failing to re-sit in the semester will cause the student to REPEAT the whole course module in the coming semester if the module is offered.
Assessment Offences
Academic offences include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reusing your own work among others.
The University takes academic offences very seriously and this can lead to expulsion. We make every effort to ensure that the students will avoid from committing such offences. The need in maintaining the order in examination and non-examination is to preserve the highest standard of academic integrity. Students are reminded to produce and submit their original work.
Definitions of Assessment Offences Plagiarism
Plagiarism can be defined as the significant use of other people's work and the submission of it as though it were one's own in assessed coursework (such as dissertations, essays, experiments etc.). This includes: • Copying from another student's work;
• Copying text without acknowledgement;
• Downloading information and/or text from the internet and using it without acknowledgement;
• Submitting work and claiming it to be own when it has been produced by another group; and
• Submitting group work without acknowledging all contributors.
The university uses software packages to detect plagiarism.
Cheating in examinations can be defined as trying to gain unfair advantage over fellow students.
This includes:
• Having notes, programmable calculators or any other method to secure the information which are not allowed in the examination, whether the student use it or not;
• Having any mobile phone or other communication devices in the exam room;
• Copying from the examination script of another candidate;
• Helping another candidate; and • Trying to bribe respective lecturers to obtain good marks.
Collusion is a form of agreement between two or more people to act with the intention to deceive an assessor as to who was responsible for producing the material submitted for assessment. The agreement may be overt (openly discussed) or covert (not specifically
discussed but implied). Using someone else’s work, words, images, ideas or discoveries is equal to stealing the hard work. This includes:
• agreeing with others to cheat;
• getting someone else to produce part or all your work;
• copying the work of another person (with their permission);
• submitting work from essay banks;
• paying someone to produce work for you; and • allowing another student to copy your own work.
Methods to Avoid Academic Offence
Students are advised to avoid copying and using other people’s work without citation and acknowledgement. It is compulsory for students to include the references and the source of information. This will allow students to avoid plagiarism.
Procedures for Assessment Offences
If students are caught committing the offence, a report of offence will be written. Students will be called for a mini hearing whereby students can justify their action. The University has the right to suspend or even terminate the student should University found the action as a serious offence. Kindly refer to MAHSA Student Handbook for more details.

1 2 3 4 5
Introduction 5 % Not able to
the given task Minimal ability to
introduce the given task Moderate ability to
introduce the given task Able to introduce the given task Able to introduce with good illustration
a) Profitability 30 % The content was
poorly designed The content was quite relevant The content was
appropriately designed The content
was highly relevant The content was highly relevant and impressive
b) Leverage 20 % The content was poorly designed The content was quite relevant The content was
appropriately designed The content
was highly relevant The content was highly
relevant and impressive
c) Liquidity 20 % The content was poorly designed The content was quite relevant The content was
appropriately designed The content
was highly relevant The content was highly
relevant and impressive
d) Market Value
(Investment Ratio) 10 % The content was poorly designed The content was quite relevant The content was
appropriately designed The content
was highly relevant The content was highly
relevant and impressive
Conclusion 5 % Not able to conclude the given task Minimal ability to conclude the given task Moderate ability to
conclude the given task Good Ability to conclude the given task Excellent ability to
conclude with good
d) Format
Organization / flow of report 5 % This report was prepared with poor
consideration of format and organisation. This report was prepared with weak
consideration of format and organisation. This report was prepared
with moderate consideration of format and organisation. This report was prepared with well
consideration of format and organisation. This report was prepared with excellent
consideration of format and organisation.
c) Language 5 % Poor sentence writing and
grammatical errors Weak in sentence
writing and
grammatical errors Moderate in sentence
writing with less
grammatical errors Good in sentence
writing and less
grammatical errors Excellent in sentence
writing and no
grammatical errors
Overall marks 100 %
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction 10 % Introduction is not interesting
and not relevant to topic Introduction is slightly
interesting and
not relevant to topic Introduction is sufficiently
interesting and
quite relevant to topic Interesting introduction and relevant Very Interesting introduction and completely relevant
Content &
Knowledge in the Subject Matter 30 % Minimal scope coverage Weakly covered scope addressed Moderately covered scope addressed Good covered scope addressed Good and
Comprehensive scope addressed
1 2 3 4 5
Defense ability 15 % Not able to respond to
questions at
all Not able to respond to questions adequately Able to respond to questions satisfactorily Able to respond to questions confidently Able to respond to questions
confidently and convincingly
Fluency and clarity 15 % Not clear and not fluent Satisfactorily clear and fluent Sufficiently clear and fluent Very clear and fluent Exceptionally clear and fluent
Effective audio visual 10 % Visual are poorly
utilized and presented Visual are moderately
utilized and presented Visual are adequately
utilized and sufficiently presented Visual are well utilized and presented Exceptionally creative,
innovative and effective presentation
Attire & professionalism
(physical appearance
during online presentation) 10 % Poor in term of attire and not
professional Moderate in term of attire and not professional Satisfactory in term of attire and professional Good in term of attire and professional Excellent in term of attire and professional
Capturing and sustaining audiences’ interests 10 % Dull and boring Moderate Satisfactory Interesting Very interesting
and captivating
Overall marks 100 %