Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment Submission, Declaration and Marking Sheet
Course: 10800NAT Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma
Unit(s): DTRCPE005 Create professional environments to support developmental trauma responsive practice
Assignment: Resource development
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Resource development
Assesses: DTRCPE005 PC 3.5 and Performance evidence 2
• Make recommendations for resource development or acquisition to increase reparative outcomes for children and young people
Document and implement an action plan for the development or acquisition of a minimum of 1 resource to increase reparative outcomes for children and young people
Please note the following points regarding your completion of this assignment:
• You will demonstrate the implementation of your action plan by developing a resource to support developmental trauma responsive practice.
• You may decide on the development of any resource that supports reparative outcomes for children and young people. This is only limited by your creativity. Examples of resources include, but are by no means limited to:
- A therapeutic resource
- A book
- A booklet
- A training program for professionals
- A group work program
- A supervision framework
- A podcast
• The resource must demonstrate your capacity to integrated your understanding of developmental trauma into your practice.
• The word count for this assignment is broad to reflect the range of resources that could be developed. The word count must be a minimum of 800 words but can be up to 3000 words.
• Remember that you need to reference any work that is not your own and then provide an appropriately structured reference list.
• This assignment can be completed in a range of different formats but you must attach the ‘Assignment Submission, Declaration and Marking Sheet’ to your assignment.
• Joint submissions are not to be submitted unless discussed with your course coordinator. Joint submissions are discouraged except in exceptional circumstances.
The points included above form the instructions for this assignment.
Identify a resource that would benefit your work with enabling reparative outcomes for traumatised children and young people.
Develop that resource for use in your current workplace or organisation.
If you are unsure about the resource you would like to develop, please speak with your course coordinator or another member of the GCDT team.