Recent Question/Assignment

Reflect on and improve own professional practice

CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Please note: This document is not designed for double sided printing.
Prior to attempting this assessment, please ensure you have read the Learning Guide for this unit and/or have completed training with an ACCCO Trainer/Assessor.
© ACCCO 2016
This publication is copyright to ACCCO, Brisbane Queensland, Australia. With the exception of fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced without written permission.
About this assessment
This Unit of Competency forms a part of the CHC Community Services Training Package. All components of this document meet the defined requirements by both the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and the CHC Training Package. If you would like additional information about this unit…
• To access the Unit of Competency details, type the unit code in…
• For ACCCO’s mapping documents against the Unit of Competency criteria, contact ACCCO Head Office.
ACCCO’s approach to assessment
General information about assessment is found in the Student Handbook. This includes details about:
• Types of assessment
• Copyright and plagiarism, including action taken if this is breached
• Access and equity, including adjusting assessment for students with disabilities
• Appealing results, including the process to be taken
Please ensure you have a full understanding of the information in the Student Handbook before commencing this assessment.
If there is additional information specific to this assessment, it will appear in this document under the specific assessment item.
Resources needed for this assessment
Access to documentation or resources may be required for assessment of this Unit of Competency. This list is outlined in the beginning of the Learning Guide or provided in class for this unit. All documents selected are available for free download from various recognised authorities.
To complete the on the job requirements, students will need to be working in or completing vocational placement in an approved workplace with an appropriate supervisor. Please consult the ‘Instructions for on the job assessment” page in this document for specific information.
Obtaining additional assistance
If you need help at any time, please contact your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor. Where this person isn’t available, please contact head office on phone 1300 139 406 or email Additional information about obtaining help is outlined in the Learning Guide for this unit.
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Instructions for assessment tasks – general information
This unit is assessed both in theory and practice. This means that you will need to complete both the theoretical assessment (assessment of your knowledge) as well as a practical assessment in an approved workplace (assessment of the application of your knowledge and your skills)
Please note: Every assessment task must be marked as satisfactory in order for overall competency to be achieved. No formal recognition can be awarded for partial completion of the unit eg just completing theory.
Assessment of theory
Assessment of theory is the first stage in the assessment phase. This is Part A of your assessment.
Details of your assessment items are included in the pages to follow. Please ensure you read these carefully, complete all sections as directed.
Once all parts of your theoretical assessment are complete, it is your responsibility to:
1. Keep the copy of your assessment until you graduate from this qualification. ACCCO has strict measures to protect all assessment items, however acknowledges circumstances which cannot be controlled (such as postal loss, technical, fire or accidental damage) contribute to the loss of student work. Due to meeting legislative and/or contract requirements, ACCCO may ask for a copy of an assessment item at any time until graduation, and students will need to comply with that request. Students who did not keep a copy of assessment items for any reason will need to re-complete the assessment to meet their assessment obligations.
2. Sign the “Declaration of Authenticity” found on the “Overall Assessment Report” (last page of this document) and ensure you include this when submitting your assessment. Your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will not accept your assessment unless this has been provided. Signing this form indicates:
a. The assessment is your own work (please read the policy on “Plagiarism” in our Student Handbook for details of what happens if it isn’t your own work)
b. That a copy has been kept by you as per point 1 above.
Please also…
• Maintain confidentiality at all times. Use first names of children only; refer to Educators by the role they hold rather by name; and say “at the workplace” rather than specifically naming the title of the workplace.
• Appropriately acknowledge other people’s work by using a Harvard referencing style. For example when quoting work, say “Smith (2000:11) states….” and then place the full reference at the end of your assessment: Smith L., (2000) Children at Play, 4th edition, Lang Publishing Australia. Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form. • Abide by copyright legislation in reproducing work.
Assessment of practice
Once you have completed the theory assessment, you can commence on the assessment of practice. This is Part B and Part C of your assessment and is outlined on the ‘On the Job Assessment’ page. Part A of this unit will provide tasks to be completed on the job which will lead to the On the Job assessment.
Assessment of practice includes completion of various tasks outlined in the:
1. Supervisor Report completed by your workplace supervisor
2. Observation Report completed by the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor during his/her visits with you at the service. Please ensure this is available to them on their visit
Depending on your training contract, a training plan report may need to be completed
Submitting this assessment:
Please ensure you have completed the box at the top of the “Overall Assessment Page” (the last page of this document) and sign the declaration, then submit this entire document to your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor for marking at the next training session or… - post to: ACCCO, 161 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 - email to:
© ACCCO 2016 CHCPRP003 Assessment v.1 p 3
Part A – Workplace project
Instructions to the student:
The following questions have been designed to obtain your knowledge in relation to the Assessment Requirements for this unit. Therefore, please read the question carefully, and answer it in full (unless otherwise instructed by your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor). Your responses should aim to demonstrate that you have acquired the knowledge and skills required to be deemed competent in this unit.
Please refer to the Learning Guide or classroom documentation if you need to extend you knowledge and skills to successfully answer the question.
For this project, you need to reflect on and improve your professional practice in an ACECQA Approved Service or in a school. This will fit in line with the following model of reflective practice:
Kennedy & Stonehouse (2012) VEYLDF Practice Principle Guide 8: Reflective Practice: Victoria
- participation at the centre.
- Policy: Parental interaction and involvement in the Service Policy
- Legal: National quality framework QA6 Collaborative partnership with families and communities
This needs to be fixed up, identify all the ways you can develop positive relationships with families not just greeting them by name
Eg- having regular conversations
Having open and honest communication
Work collaboratively with families and value and use their input
Encourage their participation at the centre etc
2. Questions/analyse phase. Over the course of no less than a week (or 5 shifts if you are not working full time) reflect on your performance and practice each of these responsibilities.
a) What questions are you going to ask to analyse the current practice that is occurring, and to guide your reflection? Ensure these questions are specific to the responsibilities you selected, and allow you to include the following at least once…
? Self-evaluate your performance and practice against the standards
? Include open and evaluative feedback from others (such as your supervisor, coworkers or clients) in your reflection.
? Access current and/or emerging industry developments
? Understand how your values, beliefs and behaviour may affect your performance in these areas.
Your reflections can be written in any format you choose, and may include reflective diary entries, anecdotal information, transcript of conversations, links to professional learning with your thoughts, or any other strategy which supports you to answer your questions in 3a.
While the next 5 pages have been provided for you to write your reflections of your practice. If you wish to use another format you may do this and submit it with your assessment.
b1) Reflection 1
We welcome one child and his mum for orientation
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
b2) Reflection 2
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b3) Reflection 3
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
b4) Reflection 4
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b5) Reflection 5
Check: ? I have answered all of my questions from 3a during the reflections.
3. Plan: Based on your reflections, you are required to develop a professional development plan (PDP) to improve at least one area you have been reflecting on. This plan must include at least 2 goals, and the plan must directly link to the information you gathered during your reflections in question 2.
Before you commence writing this plan, ensure you have reflected on your self-care needs and your personal learning styles/needs. This might include time frames you have considered which are realistic given your current circumstances/workload, development of realistic goals given your current learning levels, requirements for additional support, and how you learn best (you may wish to access Gardner’s learning styles covered in your learning material for this).
a) What will you take into consideration when developing your PDP to support the plan’s success?
b) For the PDP, identify:
• the practice area you want to improve
• the SMART goals which you wish to work to achieve
• the timeframe to be achieved
• the actions to be taken to meet the goal
• the success measure/s you will use to identify if you have met the goal
• the resources you will use to meet your goal
In achieving at least one goal in the PDP, you must use support networks (internal or external), specialist advice or further training you will undertake to achieve your goal.
You may use the following template for your plan, or devise your own which includes the above points and submit it with your assessment
Practice Area Goal Timeframe Actions Measures Resources
Check: ? I have included a support network (internal or external), specialist advice or further training in at least one goal.
Assessment of Theory (Part A)
The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor is to use the marking guide to determine if the answers provided by the student to the questions provide a valid response. Additional information may be gathered verbally to support the student’s knowledge and skills.
Question Response outcome
Valid Not Valid Comments
Part A
Comments/ Feedback (include any details of reasonable adjustment or other consideration)
ACCCO Trainer/Assessor Theory Assessment Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory
Signature Date
On the job assessment occurs after the student has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of theory for the unit, and requires the following steps …
1. The student practices the skills required for the unit an approved workplace under supervision. The tasks to be assessed are outlined on both the Supervisor Report (Part B) and the Observation Report (Part C). The student should ensure they have a good understanding of these tasks and how to demonstrate these to the required standards before assessment commences.
2. The student demonstrates application of the skills consistently to the workplace supervisor, who completes a Supervisor Report. This Report is provided to the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor.
3. The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor completes the Observation Report after observing the student in the approved workplace.
Approved workplaces
On the Job assessment must be completed in an approved workplace as follows:
• Early Childhood Education and Care qualifications: ACECQA approved service enrolling children from 0-5 years eg Long Day Care, Family Day Care
• School Age Education and Care qualifications: ACECQA approved service enrolling children from 5-12 years eg School Aged Care service, Long Day Care providing outside school care.
• Education support qualifications: ACECQA approved service, or a school
Any tasks completed in a workplace that does not meet the above criteria will not be assessed for this unit unless written permission has been sought from ACCCO prior to the commencement of assessment.
Roles and responsibilities of the workplace supervisor and mentor
The role of the workplace supervisor is to mentor and assess the student completing this unit. This role is a very valuable one and should not be taken lightly. Not only does it support the development of student skills, but also pays a vital role in supporting the learning of professionals of the future.
The supervisor may be any person working within the workplace that can work closely with the student and holds a qualification equal to or higher than the qualification the student is studying. Where the service does not have a person who meets this criteria, please contact the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor for guidance.
The skills the student is to achieve are outlined on the Supervisor Report. This may be used as a basis for directing the student’s learning journey prior to assessment taking place. While ACCCO assumes responsibility for training the student on theoretical components of the unit, the supervisor’s role provides the link between theory and day-to-day practice in a workplace.
Supervisors can provide this learning by…
• being a role model for student by demonstrating the skills required, providing a range of examples of typical practice;
• providing learning opportunities to students such as including them in discussions about why things have occurred, or what the plans are (for example, working with a child’s behaviour or for a program experience) • providing opportunity for students to practice their skills in the workplace; and • providing feedback to the student so they can continue their learning journey.
Where there are clear gaps in the student’s knowledge for this unit, and/or where the student is not making satisfactory progress to learning and achieving the skills required, the workplace supervisor should make immediate contact with the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor, or ACCCO head office.
Please note: The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will generally consult with the workplace supervisor for the preparation of the Observation Report to gain a full understanding of the student’s overall performance in the workplace.
Part B of Assessment – Supervisor Report
To be completed by the workplace supervisor
Name of Student
Approved Workplace:
Name of Supervisor: Supervisor’s qualifications
Details of how supervision occurred: Number of supervised hours per week: Number of weeks supervised:
Instructions for the Supervisor
• This Report assesses how the student implements the skills, knowledge and behaviour in the workplace.
• Assessment is to be carried out in the workplace under normal working conditions over a period of time.
• Should the student be unable to perform the below tasks in the workplace or you require assistance, please notify the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor.
During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the student demonstrate the following to industry standards? Yes No Notes
1 Works within own level of responsibility during reflections as determined by the qualification level
2 Undertakes self–evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and peers, such as actively seeking two way, open and evaluative feedback
3 Reflects on and recognises the effect of personal values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
4 Determines applicable improvements needed based on own evaluation and feedback from others
5 Devises and documents a professional development plan that sets realistic goals and targets, applicable to workplace requirements
6 Implements a professional development plan in accordance with workplace priorities.
7 Regularly participates in review processes as a commitment to upgrading skills and knowledge
8 Follows legal and ethical considerations when reviewing and improving own practice (eg code of ethics, duty of care, rights and responsibilities))
9 Demonstrates a commitment to professional development, including engaging in professional development opportunities
Supervisor Signature: Date:
Part C of Assessment - Observation Report
Name of Student:
Name of ACCCO
Approved Workplace: Date of assessment
Instructions for the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor
Please use observation of student in practice at an Approved Workplace, as well as Part A and Part B of this assessment as evidence for determining competence.
Performance evidence
Reflective practice performance Y N ACCCO Trainer/Assessor Comments
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Undertaken a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice
Created 1 personal development plan that includes: goals; timeframes; ways of measuring progress
Demonstrated skills
Reflect on own practice Y N ACCCO Trainer/Assessor Comments
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Undertakes self-evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers, including actively seeking and sharing in twoway, open and evaluative feedback with co-workers or peers
Reflects on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
Recognises requirements for self-care
Assesses and confirms own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities
Enhances own practice Y N ACCCO Trainer/Assessor Comments
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Works within work role boundaries, responsibilities and limitations
Determine improvements needed based on own evaluation and feedback from others
Identify requirements for additional support, including potential support networks and professional development opportunities both internal and external to the organisation
Seek specialist advice or further training where need is identified
Devises, documents and implements a personal development plan that sets realistic goals and targets
Demonstrates an understanding of their own personal learning styles, and uses this information when developing a plan for improvements
Reviews a personal development plan after implementation for improvements
Demonstrates a commitment to upgrading skills and knowledge.
Name of Student:
Observation Report Outcome Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory
Comments/ Feedback (include any details of reasonable adjustment or other consideration)
ACCCO Trainer/
Assessor signature: Date:
Overall Assessment Report
Student Acknowledgment: I have read, understood and agree with this Overall Assessment Result
Comments (comments must be included if answered “No” above): Yes No
Student Signature: Date:
For the student to complete prior to submitting this assessment:
Student Name:
Approved Workplace:
Instructions for the student: To be deemed competent in this unit, students are required to satisfactorily complete each of the following…
• Part A – Workplace reflection
• Part B - Supervisor Report
• Part C - Observation Report
Declaration of Authenticity
Any assessment recorded on this document is invalid without this declaration being complete
I declare that the assessment item I have submitted for this unit is entirely my own work. If there is evidence that it is not my work, I understand my enrolment in the unit will be cancelled.
I understand it is my responsibility to keep a copy of this assessment until I graduate, and provide this copy to ACCCO at their request. If I am unable to provide a copy for any reason, then I will be required to complete additional assessment
Student Signature: Date:
For the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor to complete after assessment has been completed:
ACCCO Trainer/ Assessor Name:
Outcome of assessment tasks completed by the student:
(ACCCO Trainer/Assessor to transfer decisions from individual assessment items) Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Theory assessment: Part A
Practical assessment: Part B and C
Overall, assessment is: Valid Authentic Current Sufficient
Overall assessment result: Competent Not Yet Competent
Feedback to student:
ACCCO Trainer/
Assessor Signature: Date:

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Word Count: 7334 words including Template

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