Recent Question/Assignment

IYZ Business & Law & Psychology - GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY: LIPCF016
Programme: IYZ
Module Title: Government & Society
Module Code: LIPCF016 Credit Value: 12
Owning Board: Joint Academic Board (DMU/OIEG)
Faculty: University Wide Learning (DMU)
Course Tutor: Sarah Gannon
Assessment Two: Case Study Report
Individual responses to questions and case studies
Assessment Weighting: 50%
Word Count: 1,200 words (Guidance – not including references, tables/fig’s)
(only up to 10% plus or minus this guidance is allowed)
Assessment outcomes
This assessment will contribute to 50% of the total module marks and cover the following learning objectives:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the development of the political structure of the UK;
2. Explain the different strands of government within the UK;
3. Show the ways in which British society has changed in the post-war era;
4. Present information in a written format to a specific deadline.
Hand-in date: Week 9 Monday 30th May 2022, 09.00am via Turnitin on Blackboard
A major expectation of all assessments whilst at DMU/DMUIC is that students work in the English language and generate their assignments in the English language. Initial work should be produced in English not a second language. This means that the use of any language generation/translation or websites is discouraged. The use of such tools may be considered Bad Academic Practice and the consequences outlined in the previous section will apply.
Assessment task
You should read the case studies below and provide solutions to the questions which follow it.
Case study 1
The Mass Media and Political Participation
One of the most obvious ways in which an individual can participate in a political system is to vote. Therefore, levels of turnout are one important measure of political participation. Low turnout is a problem because it brings into question the government’s legitimacy and the strength of its electoral mandate.
It is clear that voters are more likely to turn out to vote when they value the institutions to which individuals are hoping to be elected. This may explain the relatively low levels of turnout at local elections. However, in some cases, intense coverage in the ‘mass media’ can encourage people to turn out in a particular election or constituency, especially when published opinion poll results seem to suggest that the contest is close and every vote might be important.
Case Study Questions:
a) Explain the term ‘mass media’, and state how the mass media may have influenced political participation since the second world war. (20 marks)
Case study 2
Electoral Systems and Democracy
a) ‘The use of referendums in the UK since 1975 has done little to enhance democracy.’ Discuss (20 marks)
b) Explain the arguments for and against the free movement of
labour within the EU. Discuss (20 marks)
Case Study 3
a) Evaluate the idea that racial stereotyping is the main factor in the high rates of crime with reference to the case above and the crime statistics provided. (20 marks)
Case Study 4
a) Outline 3 aims of custodial sentencing. (6)
b) Discuss the Psychological effects of custodial sentencing and the impact this might have on recidivism. (14)

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 1479 words including References

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